Roland started his artistic activity in 1996 with Mrs Nenni in Biergem. Since 1997 Roland has regularly participated in art courses and seminars, such as with the German lecturer Georg Krüger, who works and teaches in Eguelshard near Bitche in France.

Roland’s artistic creations are mostly made according to the Japanese Raku method, by wood firing, but he also uses capsule firing and high firing. With the latter, Roland has ventured into large sculptures, which he likes very much and of which he has realised several. One of these large sculptures was awarded a gold medal in Gembloux near Brussels at an international competition organised by the Akademie Europeenne.

The large sculpture made by Roland was exhibited in the same year in Lille, where he was artistic guest of honour. Later, the sculpture took part in an international competition in Bexbach, Germany, where Roland’s sculpture was a finalist and won 6th place. The sculpture was also exhibited in Bartringen and Schauwenburg in Luxembourg.

Roland’s sculptures were shown in various exhibitions in Kayl, Gambloux (B), Hem (F), Bexbach (D), Burglinster (50 years Kredietbank), Schifflingen, Walferdingen (2), Roeser, Bartringen (3), Belvaux (Televie) and Scheierhaff.