Brigitta Best

Brigitta Best was born in Hamburg, Germany to a Family with 6 children. Brigittas father was an avid singer, especially singing operas and operettas at home. He would also write poems in the evenings, sharing them with his children, discussing the importance of all kind of art and love for culture. Even that Brigitta had no talents in music or art there was a huge love and appreciation for the arts.
After high school, university and becoming a banker Brigitta started her career in the IP industry, becoming Executive Director in a large IP service company in Luxembourg, started her own IP search business where she developed a new sharing platform software which is still used today. She later became executive board member in a large IP service company on the island of Jersey where she lived and worked until 2019. In all these years of her professional career the social aspect has been most important and Brigitta initiated social projects and gave many individuals a chance to build successful careers. Brigitta supported the arts and artists in many ways. In February 2020 Brigitta spent one month volunteering for the non profit organization Wildlife Act and organised a successful online art exhibition to support Wildlife Act financially. She is also a founding member of the Artist In Residence (AIR) program which allows gifted artists to spend time with Wildlife Act experiencing Wildlife Protection first hand, while having the opportunity to meet local young artists and create some wonderful art. Giving vocal and other artists a helping hand on their journey while supporting great social and nature preservation causes is for Brigitta the heart of Voice, Art and Social asbl.
Laurent Boquet
Laurent Boquet was born in the south of Luxembourg, the first of a total of six children. After high school he started working in the field of human resources in the social and health sector.
Also in his free time he invented himself in the social field. Since 2007 he has been involved in the association Rosa Lëtzebuerg where he is a member of the board of directors and has held various positions. He is the coordinator of the Luxembourg Pride and is responsible for event production, infrastructure, administration and finance. He is a trainer and coach in the field of LGBTIQ incitement and non-discrimination.
In his years as Event-Manager for the Tourist and Initative Union of the City of Esch-sur-Alzette he also contributed to the organisation of major events such as the cavalcade, the Christmas market and the St. Nicolas procession.
As a founding member of the association “Hëllefen mat Häerz” he supports people in need by collecting material and financial donations.
With Voice, Art and Social he has the opportunity to combine his interest in art, his fight for a fair remuneration of artists as well as his social commitment for the needy and for the planet and environmental protection.

Franziska Peschel

Franziska Peschel grew up with three brothers near the Baltic Sea in Northern Germany. She finished school in Nürnberg and studied linguistics of the Romance languages at the University of Köln where she joined the Campus radio. Several internships at public television stations in Germany and media projects in France and Italy manifested her interest in journalism. She specialized in feature story writing and storytelling during a one-year training at the German journalism school Reportageschule. Franziska has always been interested in the diverse cultures and people in Europe. Before coming to Luxembourg in 2020, she finished a trinational Erasmus Mundus Master’s program in European Studies. She studied in Udine (Italy) and Uppsala (Sweden) and used the professional semester for a traineeship in radio reporting at Euradio in Nantes (France). In Luxembourg, she was a journalist for the weekly magazine revue before deciding to work freelance. As a reporter, she is always searching to discover and describe the humans before facts. She deals with her protagonists in a sensitive and respectful manner. Her main interests are social dynamics and culture, always focusing on people, not products. During her creative-writing and storytelling workshops, Franziska passes this passion on to her students.