Exhibition, Dinner & Concert

Voice, Art & Social is very pleased to announce the Solo Exhibition of Keith Grant at the stunning nature reserve Biodiversum Camille Gira to support PolarBearsInternational and our non profit organization Voice, Art & Social who is organizing this event. Additionally there will be a fundraising event for the refugees of Ukraine in Luxembourg (LUkraine asbl). Keith will donate two paintings for the fundraising, whereas one […]


„Autistic people always avoid visual and social contacts, have extraordinary talents, a cold and distant attitude, are incapable of empathy etc“  No more of these clichés!  The association Voice, Art et Social has produced a song under the direction of the artist George Philippart to raise awareness about Asperger’s, an autism spectrum disorder. From the writing of the lyrics to […]

Gorilla Concert

Our Charity Concert in favour of CTPH, an association that works for the protection of gorillas, took place on 25 September 2021 at  Biodiversum Remerschen. Although the number of spectators was limited by the Corona pandemic and the concert took place in accordance with the Corona measures, our artists delivered an unforgettable performance. Dominique Vitali led the stage program and […]

Vulture Voices in Concert

Vulture Voices in Concert was an online charity concert that took place on 22 April 2021. A large part of the recording took place at Biodiversum in Remerschen. With the money raised we supported Wildlife Act’s projects to save vultures in Africa from extinction.There are barely more than 50 pairs of most vulture species in  South Africa left! We supported […]

Can’t help falling in love

Two voices known from „The Voice of Germany 2020“: George Philippart and Vojtěch Zakouřil. Their coaches, Yvonne Catterfeld and Silbermond, quickly recognized that both not only have a unique voice, but also a special sense for expressing emotions and touching the listener. Both had to compete against each other in „The Battle“. But George and Vojtech never felt that they […]